Monday, July 27, 2009

Low Mo' for her Majesty

Today is a low mo' day.
By that I mean - I had a bit of a low moment.
Why - dunno really. Just found myself crying this morning.
I'm not sad, just teary.
Does that make sense?

You see - for someone who does not like the dentist, I have been frequenting Dr. Copas' offices more than ever. It first started when I spotted a tiny hole on one of my eye teeth. I got the go ahead from my gynae to proceed with the filling procedure. Shot! No more hole.

Then about 2-3 weeks later I notice severe pain in my front tooth and when I touched it, it was very sore! I could not see any visible cavity and then decided to visit my dentist again. He can't take any xrays, so he probed and drilled and found that I had an abscess within my gum line, which he drained - he even showed me the green goo which was spilling out of it. He said I was lucky to have caught it before it became anything major and very painful. I then had to have root canal treatment done which could not be completed fully because xrays needed to be completed to see the severity and depth of the root which needed to be sealed. I have temporary dressing on that one now.

So on Friday past I was busy eating some paaper when all of a sudden one of my pre-molars at the back broke it half. In half! I went to the dentist this morning and again because of the xray issue, I got temporary dressing to cover the tooth. Dr Copas said I was a candidate for a crown. He put me at ease when he saw how tearful I was when he said in his Irish accent, "Don't be so down Leila, it's just a tooth. It's just a tooth."

1 comment:

  1. haai shame girlfriend.
    but i didn't need to know the last part!!!!
