Thursday, July 2, 2009

6 months

I can't believe it!
I think for these past 6 months, I didn't fully believe or comprehend what is happening.
It's like I am in my own zone. My own world.
It was only during the drive to work today that I realised I have about 12 weeks get the baby's room done, to finalise the finances (first of which is to STOP with the unnecessary spending and yet today I'm having my hair done!), to do this, to do that.
I also realised that it's the last few weeks my husband and I will be sharing as a couple. Kinda bittersweet, but am both J & I are so excited.
This was taken just before I attended a 21st birthday, finally looking pregnant and wearing Ayesha couture.


  1. yes leila, enjoy the ''just the 2 of us'' period. i remember crying in the hospital after mimi was born, both sad and happy, cos it's no longer just M and i, but now there's a 3rd, so yes, bittersweet.
    looking good here girl!
    happy and healthy remaining 12wks!

  2. AnonymousJuly 09, 2009

    Slm Leila, Looking good girl. The glo on your face says it all......And yes soon its no more the 2 of us but the 3 of us.......A FAMILY!!!!!! All the best for the rest of the pregnancy and do keep the blog updated.
    Love & salaam
