Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ah! Nostalgia...

Today is my sister's birthday and I miss her.

I missed it this morning when Papa and Mummy would have greeted her and then we end up tearful.I'll miss it tonight when there is no supper to go to like when we went with Shanaaz & Junaid to Jai Pur Palace in '04 or in '07 when we went to Ocean Basket ordering so much food that we ate ourselves into a coma. I missed it when she opened her gift from me.

Birthdays were unique in our home - we would have Mamma & Hattie dressed to the nines and Uncle Eddie attend our party and then a shoot as Papa would video us opening our gifts and blowing out the candles. Every year, batteries would be placed in the birthday bunny and when we sang he would play the tune. My mom would always be the life of the party. "Here we go! Here we go!" Trying out Yumna's new bike.

We would put on those small singles of "On my own" as well as LPs of Michael Jackson :( and District Six. Papa would cut roses from the garden and put it in a vase for the table or clip it in our hair. We would both get gifts so that the other one does not feel left out and it wasn't high-tech, guitar hero, ninteno Wii type of things - it was simple. A doll. A teaset. Come to think of it now, not even the simple gifts matter. The best gift on your birthday is love.

The love of your parents. The love of your husband. The love of your children. The love of your sister. And no matter where in the world you may be, Yumna, may my love surround you now and always. Insha-Allah.

Happy Birthday Sis.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! This was the exact pic I had in mind when reading the blog.
    Nice memories. I can still smell the roses!
    Thx girl. Love you too XX
