Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7 months this week

Oh my word, I'm just over 29 weeks.
Lots of people are saying I'm carrying a big baby. Next week I will check her size to see if everything is on par with her age. We are also going for an orientation visit at the hospital to familiarise ourselves with how the labour ward will look on the day of her arrival. I hope it's not too daunting. I was watching the Zone Reality channel and I saw how wide the mom's legs were and how many eyes are looking up her caboodle. Got me scared for a minute, but then when the little one came out I cried at seeing her and her parents crying. Come to think of it, I am crying a lot these days. Yesterday I was at my desk and started crying when I heard a Disney theme song. What gives. I think I am just a bag of emotions you know. Excited, anxious, sad, happy.
I think a contributing factor could be that I haven't had a decent night's sleep in a while. Constantly having to pee and finding the right position. Luckily there is a masseuse at work and I try to go at least once a week, they really do help.
There is also so much to do and I find during that the week, I keep saying what needs to be done on the weekend and end up doing almost nothing when the weekend comes. This past Sunday, we made lists and I'm happy to report that one thing has been ticked off since then :) so slowly but surely... I guess.
Mummy drove me to work yesterday because I was soo tired and had a bit of sinus headache. That also helps a lot when there is peak traffic.
I'm also noticing that I can't eat as much as I thought I could. I waste and then Junaid eats it up for me. I also had my first bout of heartburn which was was such a different experience. I love atchaar and that night I had some, thinking that it was the mangoes which burnt my mouth, I kept drinking water and later had some ice cream... I tell you, I did not sleep well that night. She was wide awake kicking. I have since left the spicy foods alone.
Now, just thinking of a name for this little Star...

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