Monday, August 31, 2009

August has been quite a month at 8 months!

It's been a while. I know.

Mostly because it has really been a long, challenging, emotional, exciting month.

It was Junaid's birthday. We started ante natal classes. I attended Mariam's baby shower. It was Oupa's 100 days. It was my baby shower.

(Thanks to my friends for organising)

It was Ameen's birthday.
We pre-admitted ourselves to hospital. Learnt breathing exercises for labour. It was Ayesha's birthday. My wedding rings no longer fit. We started fasting. Experienced first set of Braxton Hicks. Learnt all about caesarian sections and how having a baby changes everything. My fingers and toes get all crampy in the morning. Mariam gave birth. Got a cold, went back to doctor. All good -no temperature. Constipated. Mummy sick, had to drive myself to work. Get contents for hospital bag - got a shock at the price of nipple cream. Semi-packed hospital bag. Attended Layla's name-giving (below)

And work. Had to produce 5 tv ads in the space of 2 weeks! Regular. Fill out UIF forms. Spend some quality time with Junaid. Becoming indecisive about names. The beat goes on...

Well done Mariam!!
You were thrown into the deep end, but from what I saw yesterday, you are coping well, Alhamdoelilah.

Naz! Tag, you're it!

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