Monday, September 14, 2009

9 months

Roughly translated as any day now.
How am I feeling? Well, I'm a mixture.
You know those machines the builders use on site to mix cement. I feel like that is me with a bit of excitement added, then some anxiety, topped off with some tears, add a dollup of "can I do this?" sprinkle lots and lots of smiles, hope, patience and finally contentment. This weekend I was very aware of everything I was doing in order to avoid labour as Dr. Howard told me that little one is ready. But now I realise that there is nothing I can do. My body is preparing itself for this incredible journey, at its own time. I am merely a player in this game of life. My heart and mind is open and I'm ready for what comes my way.


  1. Inshallah everything will go well, as natural and normal as possible, and she will be born into light and love as every baby deserves to be. And you will be fantastic in your new role, it just comes, so don't worry.
    And I can't wait for December to meet little A.

  2. Wow Leila, so excited you are having a little girl :) Love the room setup. Wishing you a wonderful last month. x0x
