Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Make Love Not War

You know it's amazing how much love is all around when you're pregnant.

Ok, maybe it has always been there but it is felt more.

Mummy and Aunty F getting me maternity clothes.
My sister mailing me everyday with possible names.
Cousins telling me they can't wait to take little one shopping.

Colleagues at work always asking "how's the passenger?" The boss sending out an 'all staff' to let everyone know and just the feedback I got was quite overwhelming. Gifts from suppliers like these flowers, well wishes from people I don't deal with on a daily basis. A pregnancy bible which I couldn't look at as the real pics made me ill - weird I know. Some even watching my sugar intake for fear of gestational diabetes. People who were too shy to come forward telling me they're expecting too.I'm happy to be share my pregnancy with friends and colleagues - Mariam, Nazreen, Q, Tertia, Adiela, Riska, Zan, Zummi, Shanaaz M, La.
Support and advice in abundance!

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