Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pink Converse

31 March

I'm nervous today. It is the 13th week scan at the Fetal Assessment Centre, to detect any possible neurological diseases like Downs syndrome. It's also a window period to do any further invasive tests and to terminate should something be wrong. The latter not being an option at all. The way I see it, Allah knows what you are capable of - He knows your potential. So what comes my way, I can face it as He believes in me.

This scan was so different - very clear and magnified.
Little one waved at us. We saw what was once a mass of cells was now a little body - even though it did look a bit like an alien ;)
Hearing the heartbeat - so fast and loud was also a treat.
I couldn't help but cry when they said little one was healthy and growing well. All good

Hubby said if it's a girl, I'll get a pair of pink converse shoes and if a boy, a blue pair...

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