Thursday, June 18, 2009

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn

Pregnancy has made me a bit more frank.
Colleen calls me Dr.Frank because for some reason, I'm just telling it like it is. (Eat this Dr. Phil!) It's like I have no reservations, but still know my limits.

I think being pregnant also, has in turn allowed others to be frank with me.
Especially in the intimacy department.
I guess being pregnant is the sure way to tell you're doing it ;)

One morning, my mom dropped by while I was getting ready for work, putting on my make up and noticed my unmade bed. She saw that I did not put on my mattress cover (under the fitted sheet) and decided to share her knowledge about how to maintain and look after one's mattress. That was all good and well-intended when she suddenly says, "You know you have to keep it clean and protect the mattress from all the comings"
Gob-smacked, I stop applying my mascara. "I'm sorry, mummy, what did you say"
"You know, ejaculation?"
Stunned, I tell her, "Mummy you can't talk that stuff to me!"
Unphased she replies, "But I can you, you're a married woman having a baby!"


  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2009

    holy crap Leila!! i would just die!! but thats so Roefie! lol.. Naz

  2. Yes Leila.
    That's mother for you.
    Wait until she gives you the ''just lay there'' speech. As Mamma gave her!
