Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bend it like Beckham

Last night while watching Survivor, I was on my back when I decided to leave my tummy exposed. J came over and started talking to her, telling her he missed her today and asking if she'd prefer a Barbie or a Snow White doll.

He says:
Kick once for Barbie.
Kick twice for Snow White.
Double nothing.
It was only when he looks away did my tummy move for the first time!

She kicked! I scream!

He looks. Nothing. Looks away. Movement.

Looks at my tummy. Nothing. Looks away. Movement.

Shame, he sat there fixed for a while, patiently waiting for her to move again. Nothing.

So how many was that? 3
What does that mean little one?
Barbie or Snow White?