Monday, June 15, 2009

There it was - 2 lines

Jan 2009

It was a Sunday. We had a braai. I was just finishing up the last bit of table settings when I needed to pee really badly. I always kept pregnancy tests in the bathroom cupboard since getting off the pill, my periods were irregular. I always was excited when I used them, not those cheap ones where you need to pee in a cup and use that dipper thing.
I preferred the midstream, any time of the day ones. This was anytime of the day and I decided to use my last one.

For some reason, I always feel under pressure when I need to pee on or in something. Even now at the monthly visits to the gynae, I'm always afraid that I might miss. I managed to get a decent amount of drops on the tip of the test and sat waiting with it in my hand - I know I was supposed to leave it on a flat surface. As I saw the pee fill the gap and saw that 2 lines were now being highlighted, not just the one which I became accustomed to, my heart started to beat faster. Even now, as I re-live this incident, probably one of the best moments in my life - my heart beats faster.

I think I may have let out a little scream. I couldn't call on my hubby as he was out buying rolls. I recall my mother blowdrying her hair and I went to her with the wet and colourful stick and showed it to her. She wasn't wearing her glasses and asked me what I was showing her. Buzzkill. I then told her she was going to be a granny!

My husband was still not back from the shops and I went to tell my father who was busy napping. I told him, "Papa, how do you feel about being a grandfather in Cape Town" He looked at me still in his sleepy daze as I said, "cause that is what you are going to be!"
He had tears in his eyes and thanked the Almighty. Alhamdoelilah.

Eventually, my husband came home. I can still remember where he was - we were in the hallway when I said nothing and took the test from behind my back and showed it to him.
We were silent for at least a minute, both with tears in our eyes.

We were going to be parents.

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